Permit – Insurance

We are accredited as collectors with the SOGHU and SOGHUOMA programs in Quebec, Prince-Edward-Island and New Brunswick as:

  • RECYCLING WASTE HANDLER: Used oil, filters, glycol (antifreeze), as well as oil, glycol and aerosol containers.

As for the following provinces, we are accredited as processors:

  • British Colombia (BCUOMA)
  • Alberta (AUOMA)
  • Saskatchewan (SARRC)
  • Manitoba (MARRC)
  • Ontario (Stewardship of Ontario)
  • Québec (Soghu)
  • New Brunswick (Soghuoma NB)
  • Prince-Edward-Island (Soghuoma PEI)


  • PROCESSOR: Used oil, glycol and aerosol containers.

We have an operating permit issued by the Ministère du Développement Durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs du Québec for the processing and storage of hazardous materials.
We have environmental insurance for any damage caused to the environment.